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Pomeroy Pioneer Portraits

Ten Years Ago

May 7, 2014

Participants in Pomeroy's observance of last week Thursday's National Day of Prayer started the event with a church walk to local houses of worship. The group walked to the Christian Church, St. Peter's Episcopal Church (which is also home to the Lutheran congregation), Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Pomeroy Baptist Church, United Methodist Church, and Pomeroy Nazarene Church.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

May 12, 1999

Garfield County Sheriff's Deputy Ryan John turned a traffic stop Sunday, May 2, into a confiscation of cocaine with a potential street value of between $10,000 and $12,000. John was on patrol westbound west of the Alpowa summit with Deputy Steve White of Winthrop, a friend from the law enforcement academy, when they saw an oncoming vehicle with a headlight out. The passenger was found with 4 oz. of what tested out as uncut cocaine.

Fifty Years Ago

May 9, 1974

Les and Marjorie Van Dyke, missionaries to Rhodesia in Africa, will be at the Christian Church this weekend and will be sharing in a number of programs that will be of interest to many in the community. Van Dyke, known as "Van" to his friends, was the manager of the Pomeroy Branch of the Old National Bank when he decided to go into mission work. His wife, Marjorie, was a nurse at the Garfield County Memorial Hospital.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

May 12, 1949

A new feature of Pomeroy Downs is the big starting gate which is being brought from Hermiston, Oregon. The gate has stalls for ten horses, and offers fans a big improvement over last year, when no gate was used. Well over 100 horses will be entered in the two-days of racing at the track, which will see seven races daily on Saturday and Sunday. Each day will see a total of $1,000 in purses. Manners Effort, a veteran horse of northwest tracks, is the favorite in the racing.

One Hundred Years Ago

May 10, 1924

E.C. Cluster has arranged to have Judge Chester F. Miller of Dayton call the changes in some of the square dances at the bridge celebration and E.M. Pomeroy of Yakima has been invited to take a like part in the festivities. Mr. Pomeroy called for the first dances here, at a time when the "hoe-down" on the puncheon floor was a most popular form of amusement. Mr. Miller was likewise engaged at Dayton in the early days. It is expected they will make a strong team and a genuine hit with the old-timers.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

May 6, 1899

Ping-The phonograph-magic lantern show attracted much attention. Prizes were awarded to the most popular lady and the "handsomest" man. Miss Alice Young captured the ladies' prize, a gold chain, while Joe Schnebley secured the longest pair of socks ever seen in this neighborhood. Miss Young also took the chain at Gould City. Some of the boys are crowing over their victory, but Levi is yet to be heard from.

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