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August 6 Primary Election Candidate Profiles

Lieutenant Governor

Bob Hagglund

Elected Experience:

Snohomish County Republican Chairman and Legislative District Committee Chairman; Precinct Committee Officer.

Other Professional Experience:

Professional experience in Data Science, Machine Learning, Online Services, and Business Intelligence serving Healthcare, Manufacturing, Software Development, and Information Security businesses and government. Commercial clients include UnitedHealth, Kaiser, MultiCare, Microsoft, Ernst-Young, Nike, and Altria. Government clients include Defense Department, King County Metro, Apple Health, Medicare/Medicaid, and Veterans Affairs.


Recent professional certifications include University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School: Data Analytics; University of Washington: Machine Learning and Data Manipulation at Scale, Systems and Algorithms.

Community Service:

Volunteer: CreatorZone community makerspace; Election auditor, observer; Scout Troop Committee Chairman; Civilian Advisor: Missile Defense Agency.

Family and Community:

Married for 25 years with two adult boys, two teenage girls still at home, and two grandchildren; fourth generation Washingtonian and Everett native with blue collar timber industry and agricultural family roots; member of Granite Church in Granite Falls.


Our beautiful state of Washington has an out-of-control crime problem. Hopelessness among our youth and homelessness on our streets both are rampant. Fentanyl is killing our children. The cost of living is becoming unbearable for our people. State government is increasingly interfering in the relationships between parents and their children, robbing our kids of a proper education.

The terrible laws that created this disaster passed through our State Senate. The Lieutenant Governor serves as President of the Senate and is able to influence legislation for the better and for the people. When elected, I will stand in the gap blocking the radical agenda of insiders in Olympia, the activists who are destroying, rather than advancing, our civilization. I will stop the misguided extremism now steering state government, returning the focus toward serving you and all of the people of Washington.

We need an experienced professional with the team-building skills and training needed to put our state government to work for our people and for you. I have succeeded for many years bringing people together to solve problems, saving precious taxpayer resources, and making people's lives better.

I respectfully ask for your support and for your vote. Thank you!

Bob Hagglund

Dan Matthews

I have stepped forward to help fix a broken system. Foolish and failed policies originate from politicians who have forgotten the people. One political party has controlled our State for decades, representing powerful, big-money interests, growing more imbalanced, even radically extreme.

Career politicians fail us by delivering dictates, division, and dependency rather than statesmanship, diplomacy, and respect.

As Lt Governor, I see my role as a Bridge-Builder and unifier; a communicator, team-builder, statesman and peacemaker.

I am a married (51 years), lifelong Washingtonian, holding a Bachelors in Political Science, and Master's in Public Administration.

A retired USAF Pilot and Lt. Colonel, with 22 years of service, I flew in Vietnam and SE Asia, and Desert Storm.

After 31-years at Northwest Airlines as a 747 Captain, Instructor Pilot, and Examiner, I served 8 years as a Boeing consultant in Pilot Instruction and Leadership. I have served on various Boards and Commissions, including as a STEM Educator, and Church Board leader. I also served 4-years on a local School Board.

Professionally, my role has been to safely navigate to every destination, knowing people's lives depended on: me; my skills, judgment, and professionalism, and the crew I led. As our Lieutenant Governor, my focus will remain: People working together.

As the Governor's "Wingman," I will back up our Governor and be a vital connection between the Executive and Legislative branches.

From presiding over the State Senate to building bridges throughout government, I will seek to establish a climate of trust, cooperation, and constructive leadership, restoring real civility, confidence, and trust in our state government.

My top priorities:

• Defending our families

• Protecting our freedoms

• Safeguarding our future

To address these, and every issue, let us acknowledge that we are a divided people–State and Nation–often polarized; at odds with one another, frequently abandoning genuine human understanding. The Division, Discord, Partisanship and Rancor of Politics is never constructive. It is time to change course; to find common ground for the common good, with common sense!

Let us Focus on that which Unites, rather than that which Divides us – remembering that "a house divided against itself cannot stand"–to serve the people faithfully, with Humility and Honor.

This is my commitment to every citizen––from both parties. I Will Be There–For You!
