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Burn ban in effect

POMEROY–Garfield County summer burn ban is in effect midnight, July 6 through September 30, 2024.

The threat of wildfire is heightened now that temperatures are high and the dry days of summer prevail which present a serious safety threat to public safety, private property, and wildlife habitat. Every person must take precautions to avoid sparking a wildfire and minimize the large expenditures of public resources to fight them.

What is allowed during this season are any type of outdoor stoves, BBQ, smokers, natural gas, propane, pellet, and briquette.

What is not allowed are recreational fires of any type in commercially made or approved pits; agricultural burns with Department of Ecology permits; yard waste or pile burns-specifically all areas inside and outside the city limits and urban growth area; any incendiary devices such as fireworks, exploding targets, sky lanterns, or tracer ammunition.

Wildfires are often ignited by lighting, but most are caused by human activities-typically, unwatched outdoor fires, indefensible home sites, and sparks caused by equipment and vehicles.

Please protect Garfield County and the surrounding area by following these guidelines.

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