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Pomeroy Pioneer Portraits

Ten Years Ago

July 23, 2014

Blue Mountain Artisan Guild's kids' art classes have been a popular summer attraction for the past month. Guild president Mary Flerchinger and Brenda King led the group through three projects last week at the gallery on Main Street. The young artists made crayon and tempera scratchboards, string paintings, and decorated placemats.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

July 21, 1999

The board of directors of Pomeroy School District has appointed high school Principal Jim Kowalkowski the district's new superintendent, replacing Terry Brandon, who resigned to take the superintendent's position in Deer Park. The board accepted Brandon's letter of resignation last week Wednesday and offered the position to Kowalkowski Friday morning, board president Ernie Kimble said.

Fifty Years Ago

July 18, 1974

Another milestone in the Lower Granite Lock and Dam project was reached early Tuesday morning when the upstream dike across the Snake River diversion channel was closed off. This resulted in the entire river being diverted through the skeleton bays of the power house, at the dam. A portion of the river had been passing through the bays for some time.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

July 21, 1949

Memorial Hospital nurses and staff have had a busy week with five babies arriving in six days, which has kept all running, and things humming at the hospital. Twins were born to Mr. and Mrs. Allie Schmitt last Thursday; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Helke Saturday; a girl to Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Scoggin on Sunday; and a boy to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gripp on Wednesday.

One Hundred Years Ago

July 19, 1924

The women of this country are apparently using more cosmetics than formerly, according to census figures, Dr. Paul A. Turner director of the state Department of Health, pointed out. While many of these articles are harmless and perhaps enhance the appearance of the individual, the most wholesome skin and coloring is the one which has been gained from healthful living with sufficient outdoor exercise to promote the circulation and paint real color on women's faces.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

July 15, 1899

The intense heat of the past week has hurried grain crops throughout the county, and unless the weather gets decidedly cooler soon there will be a large amount of shriveled grain. With cooler weather and some rain Garfield County would yet produce a good crop, but at present the prospects are rather poor, especially for "stubble" and late sown grain.

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