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Pastor's Corner

Stand in faith

The Lord has promised to be with us at all times and in every circumstance, yet we may find ourselves tempted to be afraid of the "unknown". Fearing the unknown is the tendency to be afraid of something we have no information about on any level. It can take the form of being anxious about unfamiliar situations or experiencing difficulty tolerating uncertainty. If we do not stand in faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, we may find ourselves imagining the worst about what we may be facing.

Believers in Christ have an advantage facing the unknown. Our "unknown" is "known" because we have been given so much information by the Lord that calms our fears and assures our hearts.

1. We are promised that the Lord goes before us into every situation. He knows what lies ahead and He promises He will not allow us to face anything we can't handle with His help. Ps. 139

2. We are promised that His love will assure us all along the way. His love is higher, wider, deeper, and longer than anything that threatens us. His love casts out all fear! 1 Jn. 4:18.

3. He will keep His promises and perform them perfectly. He promises to work all things together for good. He ties up the loose ends we can't control and makes something beautiful out of them. A song says, "All my confusion, He understood. He made something beautiful of my life." Ro. 8:28.

4. The Lord will give us sufficient grace for whatever lies ahead. Jesus said, "My grace is sufficient for thee. My grace is made perfect in your weakness." 2 Cor. 12:9.

The Lord will be with us, see us through, and bring us out to a beautiful day!

Pastor Greg Brownell

Dayton United Brethren Church