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Pomeroy Pioneer Portraits

Ten Years Ago

August 27, 2014

Rick James, Pomeroy's new postmaster, is looking for a voice coach to polish up one of several skills that might surprise people. The native of Prosser said he began singing since he was the age of 14, but his voice now "is a little rusty." Rick's other musical talents include playing piano and guitar. He said, "I'm big into music, which is part of theater," and that's his first love.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

September 1, 1999

Pomeroy Mayor Clay Barr expects that City Council members will vote at their Tuesday, Sept. 7, meeting whether or not to place on the November General Election ballot an advisory issue regarding contracting for law enforcement services through the county. A petition circulated in the city the past few weeks is expected to be presented to the Council at the meeting. Barr said he will also have a packet prepared for Council members with a figure from the county on providing law enforcement services to the city.

Fifty Years Ago

September 5, 1974

Those of us who regularly attend the meetings of the Board of County Commissioners have found the various departments of the state of Washington are among the hardest agencies to deal with. Over the past several years the commissioners-along with other local governments-have had to deal repeatedly with the Department of Social and Health Services, Department of Ecology, Department of Natural Resources, and other agencies, and in almost every case the agencies have put serious restrictions on the plans of the local governments.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

September 1, 1949

P.H.R. Super Donald 25th (Whitmore Hereford ranch herd sire) will be one of the many fine animals to be shown by local and visiting stockmen when the county fair begins Saturday morning, September 17. Super Donald was purchased from the Pollock Hereford Ranch at Sacramento, Calif., and is the son of the $25,000 NHR Super Domino 9th. He will be shown at the fair by Duncan Breithaupt, who is superintendent of the livestock division.

One Hundred Years Ago

August 30, 1924

E.C. Ruchert has completed arrangements for the Wild West Show at the ball park here Monday, and indications are that this event will be equal to the best of its kind in the Northwest. With knowledge gained from long experience in this line, and with one of the best strings of horses in the country in his possession Mr. Ruchert is in a position to back up all that may be said in advance. There will be some riders entered from the Grouse country. A special event will be the Pomeroy derby.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

August 26, 1899

The boys of Schnebley's crew had lots of fun by tying a can to a dog's tail. It is even stated that the boys had more fun than the dog. This sort of sport is not in keeping with advanced teaching on dogology, but the boys say most any old thing is good enough for a runaway canine.

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