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POMEROY––The Garfield County Board of Commissioners (BOCC) discussed emails received from a Garfield County class action group, as well as the planning commission at their meeting on August 26.
The county has received emails from a class action group in Garfield County, expressing concern over transparency and public information regarding the Garfield County Sheriff's Office. Commissioner Jim Nelson stated that an active investigation is being taken by an outside agency at the board's request, and stated his concern regarding the effects of the investigation and related unbudgeted expenses on the County's budget next year. Members of the class-action group have declined to identify themselves at this time.
Members of the County's Planning Commission have indicated they will not seek reappointment. The County will advertise for people interested in taking the positions. Discussion on the matter included using reporting software to track re-appointment schedules, as well as the possibility of using a joint city and county planning commission.
Further business included the discussion of re-evaluating the Klaveano Bridge for load rating due to wear and degrading, as well as paint striping on paved roads in the County.