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Garfield County Fair just around the corner

By Charlotte Baker

POMEROY–The Garfield County Fair "Sunflower Daze" is September 13-15 at the Garfield County Fairgrounds and will feature many great shows and attractions including new exhibits at the Eastern Washington Agricultural Museum.

Preliminary entry arrivals begin Thursday with livestock weigh-in, ending the day with the 4-H Horse Show. Kids are encouraged to entry a project for a chance for "Special Awards Just for KIDS!" Other features anyone might like to enter is Canning and Preserving, Baking, and Flowers.

Throughout Friday, exhibitors will show their livestock, poultry, and rabbits finishing in time for the Fair Parade at 5:30 p.m. In the livestock arena, Open Beef judging begins at 10:30 a.m., 4-H Horse Games Show at 11 a.m., and 4-H Swine Show at 12 p.m. (noon). The 4-H and FFA beef show will begin with Fitting and Showing at 12:30 p.m .; then the Sheep Show at 3 p.m. finishing up with the Goat Show.

Staging for the parade begins at the High School parking lot at 4:30 p.m. People can gather along Main St to watch the many entries pass beginning at 5:30 p.m. The parade will start at 10th St., travel westbound on Main St. to 6th St. For entry forms please find them at the WSU Extension Office, Pomeroy Pharmacy or on the Garfield County website.

To kick of the morning Saturday, September 14, the Pomeroy Chamber of Commerce Cowboy Breakfast will be served at Spinners Maple Hall from 6:30 to 8:30 a.m. Terrilie Cox will be honored at 8:30 a.m. Swine Fitting and Showing will begin at 8:15 a.m .; Little Partners Beef Fitting and Showing at 9 a.m. and the 4-H Market Steer Fitting and Showing followed by FFA Fitting and Showing. The Sheep and Goat Show starts at 11 a.m .; Round Robin at 1 p.m .; Ice Cream and Cake sponsored by the WSU Garfield County Extension Office in the Beef Arena at 3 p.m.

FFA and 4-H pictures will take place in the Beef Arena at 3:15 p.m .; then presentation of 4-H and FFA Livestock Awards in the Swine Arena at 3:45 p.m .; followed the much-awaited Market Livestock Sale at 4 p.m.

The Sunday morning 4-H Horse Show begins at 8 a.m., then in the afternoon at 1 p.m. the 2024 Garfield County Fair Rodeo! You will experience Mutton Busting, Goat Tail Tying, Calf Scramble, Steer Riding, Breakaway, Team Roping, Wild Cow Milking, Bull Riding, Pee-Wee Barrels, Jr. Barrels, and Sr. Barrels.

Following is the Garfield County Fair Schedule. A reminder to all fair attendees, please remember that there are NO dogs allowed in food area or under the Grand Stands.

Tuesday, September 3

6–9 p.m. - Rodeo Call-In Day! Call 509-843-1723 to enter

Friday, September 6

Poultry Entries due to Maria Dispenza. Email to [email protected] or 509-843-7486

Preregistration forms for Arena Games due to the Extension Office. NO LATE ENTRIES!

Sunday, September 8

3 p.m. - Fair Cleanup

Tuesday, September 10

4–7 p.m.- Home Ec., Fine Arts, Photography, 4-H Home Ec. Entries

Wednesday, September 11

10 a.m.–4 p.m.- Rabbit and Egg Entries

12–4 p.m. - Home Ec., Fine Arts, Photography, 4-H Home Ec. Entries

Thursday, September 12

8–9:30 a.m. - Baking and 4-H Home Ec. entries

11 a.m.–3:30 p.m. - Animal Weigh in Schedule to be determined by September 1st.

3:30 p.m. - Feeder Steer Weigh In

4–7 p.m. - Vegetables and Fruit entries

5 p.m. -: 4-H Horse Show in the 4-H Horse Arena

Friday, September 13

7:30–9:30 a.m. - Enter Flowers, Fruit, and Vegetables

7 a.m. - Biscuits and Gravy available at the Spinner's Potato Booth

8–9:30 a.m. - Enter Cereal Grains in the Agricultural Room

8:30 a.m. - 4-H and FFA Livestock Judging events begin

9 a.m. - Eastern Washington Ag Museum (EWAM) opens. Ag equipment museum exhibitions and seminars throughout the day. Signs will be posted with locations.

10 a.m. - Exhibit buildings and concessions open

10:30 a.m. - Open Beef Show

10:30 a.m. - Canning Department Demonstration in the canning area of the Exhibit Hall

11 a.m. - Demonstrations at the EWAM TBA/Ice Cream Making

11 a.m. - 4-H Horse Games in 4-H Horse Arena

11 a.m.– 1 p.m. - Music by Shania Rales at the Grandstands

11 a.m.–4 p.m. - Rizzy the Camel will be on the Grandstand grass

12 p.m. - Swine Show, Open, 4H and FFA Market Swine Confirmation Classes (FFA followed by 4H)

12– 2 p.m. - Lawrence Huntley- Hammer Dulcimer Musician

12:30 p.m. - Beef Show, Beef Fitting Showing demonstration with the beef judge, followed by 4-H and FFA Market Steer Confirmation Classes (Classes alternate 4-H and FFA. Class one depends on whether there are more 4-H or FFA). Lil' Pardners (Children under 4-H age). 4-H and FFA Feeder Steer Confirmation Classes (alternate beginning with FFA; FFA champion selected before 4-H Champion).

3 p.m. - Sheep Show, FFA Market Lambs, followed by 4-H Market Lambs, followed by Open

Market. FFA Breeding Stock, followed by 4-H Breeding Stock, followed by Open.

Goat Show (immediately following Sheep Show) Judging of all goat classes, 4-H, FFA and Open by

Premium Book Classes.

4 p.m. - EWAM Closes

5 p.m. - Exhibit Buildings Close

5:30 p.m. - Fair Parade Downtown Staging at the high school parking lot at 4:30 p.m.

7:30–10 p.m. - Teen Dance in Concession breezeway

Saturday, September 14

6:30–8:30 a.m. -Pomeroy Chamber of Commerce Cowboy Breakfast at Spinner's Hall, honoring Terrilie Cox

7 a.m. - Biscuits and Gravy available at the Spinner's Potato Booth

8:15 a.m. - Swine Fitting and Showing (Open Class, FFA followed by 4-H)

9 a.m. - EWAM opens. Ag equipment museum exhibitions and seminars throughout the day. Signs will be posted with locations

9 a.m. - Lil' Pardners Beef Show (2nd optional showing)

9:30 a.m. - Beef Show. 4-H Market Steer Fitting and Showing (Seniors, Intermediates and Juniors); followed by FFA Fitting and Showing (FR/Sophomore, followed by Jr/Senior); followed by 4-H Feeder Steer Fitting and Showing (Seniors, Intermediates, Juniors); followed by FFA Fitting and Showing (FR/Sophomore, followed by Junior/Senior).

10 a.m. - Exhibit buildings and concessions open

10 a.m.–4 p.m. - Antique Farm Equipment Show – baseball field/EWA Museum

10 a.m.–4 p.m. - Glitter Gypsy Glitter Tattoos will be next to the Spinner's Potato Booth in the Food Court Area

11 a.m. - Demonstrations at the EWAM TBA/Ice Cream Making

11a.m.–4 p.m. - Rizzy the Camel will be on the Grandstand grass

11 a.m. - Sheep and Goat Show. Lamb Fitting and Showing demonstration with judge. 4-H Fitting and

Showing Classes (Senior, Intermediate, then Junior); followed by FFA Fitting and Showing (Freshman/Sophomore, followed by Junior/Senior); followed by Open Class Fitting and Showing.

12– 2 p.m.- Lawrence Huntley- Hammer Dulcimer Musician

12 –2 p.m. - Music by TJ Richardson at the Grandstands

1 p.m. - Horseshoe Tournament next to the Horse Stalls

1 p.m. - 4-H/FFA LIVESTOCK ROUND ROBIN – Participants meet at 12:45 pm in the Beef Arena for instructions. 4-H Senior Fitting and Showing winners by species, and FFA Junior/Senior winners by species compete.

1:30 p.m. - Minute to Win it, Fair Themed Game, Straw Search Children's events in front of the Grand Stand;

1:45 p.m. - Needlework Department Demonstration in the needlework area of the Exhibit Hall

2 p.m. - Fine Arts painting Demonstrations in fine arts area of Exhibit Hall

3 p.m. - WSU/Garfield County Extension serves cake and Ferdinand's ice cream, Delbert Niebel Arena

3:15 p.m. - 4-H and FFA pictures

3:45 p.m. - Market Livestock Awards in Swine Arena – Rate of Gain Winners, Recognition of Grand & Reserve Market Champions, Recognition of Fitting & Showing Grand and Reserve Champions.

4 p.m. - Market Livestock Sale- All Grand Champions will sell first, followed by Reserve

Champions in each barn. Sale order will be Steers, Goats, Lambs, Hogs

5 p.m. - Exhibit buildings close

6 p.m. - EWAM Closes

6:30 p.m. - Motorcycle and ATV Arena Games. Pre-registration entries due Friday the 6th to Extension Office. NO late entries will be accepted.

8–11 p.m. - Rewind Music on the Grandstand Stage

Sunday, September 15

7 a.m. - Biscuits and Gravy available at the Spinner's Potato Booth

8 a.m. - Open Horse Show

10–11 a.m. - Cowboy Church

10 a.m. - EWAM opens

10 – a.m. Concession stands open, Exhibit Halls Open

11 a.m. Chicken Scrambles and Balloon Toss in front of the Grandstands

1 p.m. – RODEO Pomeroy Pony Punchers Rodeo in the Rodeo Arena. Concessions at Rodeo Arena

3 p.m. - Contest winners announced at Rodeo Grounds Arena

4 p.m. - Exhibits may be removed. All exhibits must be removed by 5 p.m.

Visit our website for more information and updates or call 509-843-3701

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