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Booster pump project approved

POMEROY–The City Council received word from Keller and Associates last week, that progress has been made on the final piece of funding for the Booster Pump Project. According to Stillman Norton, the Clarkston branch manager, things are starting to take shape.

The City of Pomeroy received authorization from the Washington State Department of Health to proceed with bidding for the proposed booster station on September 10. This site will provide necessary water supply to the City's upper pressure zone. Generally, the upper pressure zone is located north of Columbia Street and east of 12th Street.

The new booster station will be located on the median island on Columbia Street on the west side of the intersection of 18th Street. These improvements will provide the required domestic and fire flow to serve existing homes and businesses, and capacity for new development in this zone.

Bidding is scheduled to begin on Thursday, September 19, 2024, and conclude on October 17, 2024 when bids will be received from interested contractors. The City will evaluate bid packets, notify contractors, and begin contract negotiations with the lowest responsive bidder. The City anticipates a contract will be reviewed and approved at the December 10, 2024.

Due to funding timelines, construction will not begin until January, 2025, though field work itself may not be visible until February or March of 2025, depending on the availability of construction materials. Building is anticipated to take approximately 10-11 months, assuming there are no complications in procuring all the required equipment in that time frame, with the booster station ready to operate by November, 2025.

The project is being funded by the congressional set-aside grant funding from Senator Murray's office and the EPA, grant funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) administered by the U.S. Treasury, and the Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (DWSRF) from the Washington State Department of Health.

This project has been seven years in the making, with several setbacks along the way. Great appreciation is given to all who put time, energy, and effort to work through the difficulties. Special recognition goes to Grant Morgan and Stillman Norton for their commitment to Pomeroy.

In other news, the Park revitalization is continuing. The electrical work is near completion and the Park lighting has been restored. Work on the concrete repair and resurfacing is expected to begin soon and the hope is that it will be completed this fall.

The City recognizes the School District for providing us with their former basketball standards. Those will be put to good use in the park. The last major piece of the project will have to wait until next Spring when a paint contractor can do the sealing and line painting on the basketball/pickleball courts.

The Innovia Foundation is announcing, by the end of the month, the areas that were successful in the Community Heart & Soul grant process. The program is a resident-driven procedure that engages the entire population of a town in identifying what they love most about their community, what future they want for it, and how to achieve it.

The $30,000 grant, along with support from SEWEDA, the City, County, and Port district will help fund a position to work with all of us to attain these goals.

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