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Early days of school protocols finalized

POMEROY–The School Board was advised at the August 20 meeting that enrollment continues to increase with new enrollments for both schools. According to the School Board minutes, current numbers are as follows: TK-20; K-24; 1st-15; 2nd-18; 3rd-16; 4th-29; 5th-19; and 6th-23.

Teachers Kristina Knebel, Nettie Severs, Tai Bye and Fred Knebel were approved for out-of-field instructing, and spring coaches’ evaluations were approved.

Business Manager Kelly McKeirnan was waiting for a quote on a lawn mower; and will most likely purchase said equipment.

Superintendent Rachel Gwinn mentioned Back to School Night with PTO would include a barbecue, SIP goals which will be developed over the following week. She also advised that the safety fence on the playground is scheduled for Monday.

Also, new standards for TTK were released and grants for special programs finalized.

Next meeting is scheduled at the high school library on September 25 at 6 p.m.