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Pomeroy Pioneer Portraits

Ten Years Ago

September 24, 2014

The storefront at 708 Main Street (formerly Video Visions, now Linda's Yard Sale) has a brand new look...or is it a new old look? Just a glance in the east window reveals hints of a bygone era, of the excitement of "modern conveniences" such as the conveyor belt 'toastalator' that made meal preparation and entertaining faster, simpler, and more enjoyable. The west window display harkens back to days when the magic of childhood happened in board games and books that were made of paper products.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

September 29, 1999

A before-school breakfast program for Pomeroy students will begin Monday, Oct. 4, in the Fellowship Hall of United Methodist Church in Pomeroy. Pastor Matt Gorman calls the program, which he is initially funding out of his own pocket, Daily Bread and it is open to any Pomeroy student kindergarten through grade 12.

Fifty Years Ago

September 26, 1974

The state department of agriculture got around this week to tell the world what we already knew-there isn't a record wheat crop in the state of Washington this year. While the crop is said to be about average, we really don't have any way of determining what the yield is anymore, so "about average" is only a guess. Until a few years ago, the county extension service was able to come up with a fairly good estimate, using all available data from the ASCS, but the rapid increase in farm storage the last few years has had the negative effect of making this information just disappear.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

September 29, 1949

An open discussion of the why and how of a new grade school building in Pomeroy will highlight the regular monthly P.T.A. meeting Monday night at the high school. It has been planned that during the grade-school discussion parents will be given a chance to air their views in regard to a proposed new building for the primary grades.

One Hundred Years Ago

September 27, 1924

Isaac Force, D.P. Chard and J.F. Hale have commenced the work of erecting for the city the steel bridge at the B street crossing of the Pataha creek. The bridge will be 20 feet wide and 36 feet long. There will be a footbridge along the west side. The floor will be concrete 7 inches thick.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

September 23, 1899

Business has been lively in Justice Thompson's court the past few days, and the Judge is gaining an enviable reputation as a dispenser of justice. Following the Bingham trial came the arrest of John Shawley, charged with an assault on John Yokum, a young man who resides near Peola. It seems that Shawley and Yokum got into an altercation while working together with a thresher crew several days ago. Shawley struck Yokum a blow on the head with the "hoe down" of the thresher. Yokum was not badly injured, but his feelings were sufficiently hurt to cause a warrant to issue for the arrest of his antagonist.

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