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November 5 General Election Candidates

Fifth Congressional District

Source: Washington State Voter's Pamphlet

Michael Baumgartner


Today, things are going in the wrong direction. Government spending and taxes are out of control. The result is inflation and rising prices putting a squeeze on hardworking families. Our southern border is wide open, with thousands pouring into the country. Mexican cartels bring fentanyl here and leave a trail of crime and homelessness. It must stop.

I have a proven record fighting for Eastern Washington priorities and winning. In the State Senate, I passed balanced budgets, fought for lower taxes and helped bring a new WSU medical school to Spokane to train rural doctors. I helped block plans for an expensive carbon tax while finally securing funding for Spokane's North-South freeway. My work was commended by business and taxpayer organizations.

In Congress, I'll keep fighting for Eastern Washington: working for Fairchild Air Force Base, protecting the dams, ensuring quality healthcare for rural communities and veterans. As Treasurer, I've been a tireless advocate for taxpayers, fighting tax increases and providing maximum tax breaks for seniors and veterans.

I grew up in Colton and live in Spokane with my wife Eleanor and five young children: I want them – and all our families – to have a chance at the American Dream we've enjoyed.

I'm honored to be supported by former Attorney General Rob McKenna and agriculture leaders like Mark Schoesler, Alex McGregor, Fred Fleming and Chris Schultheis, and community leaders including Mike Padden, Dino Rossi, Nadine Woodward, former WSU QB Jack Thompson, veterans' advocate Wesley Anderson, Melissa Williams, Mike Hewitt, Jeff Holy, Susan Hutchison, Phil Altmeyer, Asotin County Sheriff John Hilderbrand - and many more.

If elected, I'll have offices in Spokane Valley, Walla Walla, Pullman and Colville and will work hard for all of Eastern Washington. I would be honored to have your vote.

Carmela Conroy


My grandfather was a union mason who helped build the Grand Coulee Dam; my dad worked on the Great Northern Railroad. Growing up in the Spokane Valley, Dad's union wages supported our family of five. I put myself through college and law school, becoming a deputy prosecutor in Spokane County, where I supported law enforcement and held violent offenders accountable.

I joined the U.S. State Department, promoting democracy and national security as a Foreign Service Officer. My mentor, former Congressman Tom Foley, led by example in disagreeing without being disagreeable, and in building support for common causes. I served in Japan, New Zealand, and Norway, as well as Afghanistan and Pakistan. Returning home, I realized extremism was putting our democracy at risk, with some in both Parties contributing to the dysfunction.

Our nation faces complex challenges at home and abroad. I'll work with anyone who wants to solve problems, as I did in the Foreign Service. I promoted American values and interests abroad, partnering with veterans, active-duty military personnel, and national security professionals, under Democratic and Republican administrations.

I'll prioritize the needs of Eastern Washington: protecting our family farms, lowering healthcare and childcare costs, and expanding care and benefits for veterans. I'll work to bring down inflation and strengthen the supply chain by boosting American manufacturing, and investing in skills and job training programs. I'll protect our individual freedoms by keeping politicians and justices out of personal, private medical decisions.

I'll fight for Eastern Washington above all else. Our local values guided my previous public service and that's why I'm endorsed by the National Education Association; Washington State Labor Council; Spokane Mayor Lisa Brown; State Senator Andy Billig; Walla Walla Port Commissioner Amy Schwab; and former Spokane GOP Chair Rich Kuhling. I would be honored to earn your vote.


Bob Ferguson


Son of a special education public school teacher and a Boeing employee, Bob takes on the toughest fights, solves problems, and gets things done for you-not powerful interests. He is the only candidate who refuses campaign contributions from corporate PACs and large corporations. Never satisfied with the status quo, he'll protect your rights and deliver change for Washington.

As Governor, Bob's top priority is improving public safety. He'll hire more police officers to combat crime and fentanyl. He took on powerful drug companies, winning $1.2 billion for increased treatment and first responders. Nurses, firefighters, and prosecutors endorse Bob because they trust him to combat public drug use and improve the mental health system. Bob worked alongside law enforcement to end the rape kit backlog and bring justice to survivors. He knows how to bring people together to solve big challenges.

Bob and his wife Colleen, who works at a community college, are raising teenage twins. Bob knows high housing prices make it hard for too many families. He'll work with both parties for commonsense solutions to address homelessness and rising housing costs- building 200,000 affordable homes in four years. Bob will increase opportunities for every Washingtonian to get ahead by investing in career education, skills training, and apprenticeships.

Bob understands our democracy is threatened and successfully blocked dozens of illegal Trump administration actions. As Governor, he'll defend our democracy and protect Washingtonians. A champion for reproductive freedom, Bob is the only candidate endorsed by Pro-Choice Washington and Planned Parenthood.

In contrast, Congressman Dave Reichert said, "I love Donald Trump's policies," and voted with Trump 92.5% of the time. Reichert repeatedly voted to impose a nationwide abortion ban that criminalizes doctors and to abolish the Affordable Care Act. Reichert opposes marriage equality.

Bob fights for us.

Dave Reichert


For nearly 40 years our state has been lost in a wilderness of one-party rule. What has that gotten us? The highest violent crime rate in our history, friends and family dying from fentanyl, record homelessness, and the worst maintained roads, highways, and ferries in America. As your governor, I will work tirelessly to foster an economy that works for everyone, safe streets and neighborhoods, and ensure the children in our state get a world class education.

From the United States Air Force to the King County Sheriff's Office, I witnessed examples of selfless sacrifice, individuals who put others before themselves. That experience taught me what it means to have a servant's heart, honored by an opportunity to help, and driven to show the courage and humility it takes to get things done. As King County Sheriff, I arrested violent criminals and locked up human traffickers who preyed on women and children. On my watch crime was down as we enforced the law and everyone was accountable. This experience served me well when the people of Washington sent me to Congress where I worked with Republicans and Democrats to pass big and bold policies on everything from taxes to trade to protecting our beautiful environment.

We've been living in a state where our leaders have pit region against region, generation against generation, and yes even family against family. Dividing people is not the answer. We must work together, side by side, to tackle the issues we all face. I have been endorsed by nearly every sheriff in the state and people of all party affiliations – Republican, Independent, Democrat – are joining our campaign because they understand that business as usual is no longer an option.

I would be honored to have your support to be your next governor.

Lt. Governor

Denny Heck


Thank you for the privilege and opportunity to serve as your Lieutenant Governor for the last four years. The most important part of being Lieutenant Governor is serving as President of the State Senate and presiding in an impartial way, fairly applying the rules to everyone and to both parties. We have done this.

But the office of Lieutenant Governor also affords the opportunity to advocate for important policy priorities. We have advocated long, consistently and clearly for the need to more forcefully address the housing crisis in our state, especially for affordable homes for low and moderate income families. Our work helped lead to many accomplishments last year, causing the 2023 session to be called The Year of Housing. So much work remains to be done. We will stay at it.

We have also worked hard and in a bipartisan way, to improve our civic health. We all know it needs to change. We need more respectful discourse in the public square, more inclination to try to find principled compromises and when we cannot, a greater ability to disagree better. Here, too, we will doggedly stay at it.

In this spirit, I humbly ask for your support.

Dan Matthews


Professionally, my role has been to safely navigate to every destination, knowing people's lives depended on me. As your Lieutenant Governor, my focus will remain: People working together. From presiding over the State Senate to building bridges throughout government, I seek to establish a climate of cooperation and constructive leadership, restoring confidence in our government.

Career politicians fail us when they deliver dictates, division, and dependency rather than diplomacy and respect. I have stepped forward to help fix a broken system. One political party has controlled our state for decades, representing powerful, big-money interests, growing more extreme, even radical. We must resolve to change course, finding common ground.

JFK challenged: "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." I will seek to always advance relationships, balance, and communication, providing a unifying voice and vision for all.

Compelled by faith, hope, and love, I will stand for your rights and our children's future, fulfilling the high calling of serving the public trust with honor and integrity, of service above self. This is my commitment to you. Thank you for trusting me as a thoughtful, deliberate change agent for our future.

Secy of State

Steve Hobbs


As your Secretary of State, my top priorities are ensuring Washington's elections are secure and accessible for every eligible voter. Since 2021, I've safeguarded the integrity of our elections by investing in cyber and physical security, fighting malicious election disinformation, and providing eligible voters every ability to participate in our democratic process.

I will protect Washington's proven and dependable vote-by- mail system. I fought to expand automatic voter registration and increase civic engagement, lowering barriers for eligible citizens.

Overseeing Washington's State Library, I confronted book bans and censorship in public libraries across our state. I've increased access to business services and secured resources to preserve our state's history. I'm endorsed by County Auditors who conduct elections, the Washington State Labor Council, business leaders, voting rights advocates, prominent state and federal leaders, and former Governors Gary Locke and Christine Gregoire.

I am proud of my career in public service working alongside Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. Washington's Secretary of State must possess the highest standards of integrity and leadership and serve as a strong advocate for voter access. It is the privilege of my life to serve as your Secretary of State, and I would be honored to earn your vote.

Dale Whitaker


I am running for Secretary of State because Election Transparency is the most important issue on the ballot. We must instill confidence in the electorate that our elections process and infrastructure are accessible, transparent, and secure. This includes giving the public a closer look inside our elections process and bringing back in person voting in addition to our mail-in voting.

The Secretary of State's office also has an important duty to the incredible businesses throughout Washington in making sure the government red tape does not impede on entrepreneurs ability to create and run their businesses in the state. When I am elected Secretary of State I will work with the Governor and State House to make Washington the most business friendly state in the country.

I have lived in Spokane since 2008 when I emigrated from the United Kingdom to the United States. My wife and I both run small businesses in Spokane, we have two children and a grandchild, we have established our roots here, and we truly love the beauty we have here in Washington State.


Mike Pellicciotti


Mike rejects all corporate campaign donations. He puts your financial interests first. As State Treasurer, Mike refinanced all eligible debt, redirecting over $550 million in Wall Street profits back to the people.

Mike implemented a policy prohibiting Washington State Treasurers from investing in corporations that fund their campaigns. His investments earned Washington $1.8 billion over the next four years to reduce taxpayer burdens. Mike's local government investment returns are 50 times higher than 2021, sending $3 million more each day to local governments for schools, first responders, and other community needs.

Under Mike's leadership as State Treasurer, Washington now has budget guardrails. U.S. News just ranked our state's long-term fiscal stability the best in the nation. Our state pensions are one of America's best funded. Washington maintains a Moody's AAA-credit rating, the top mark for strong financial management. This makes housing, road, ferry, and school construction more affordable. Mike lowered GET/529 education costs for families, while keeping this important program fully funded.

Mike expanded financial education opportunities. He also created an online "Transparency Portal" to show how your public dollars are managed. Endorsed by Washington State Labor Council and Planned Parenthood, Mike will always put working families and retirees first!

Sharon Hanek


As your State Treasurer, I will advocate for the protection of our state's assets and ensure retirement accounts make sound investments. I will strive to make the accounting system transparent and accountable to citizens. With my professional expertise, I will scrutinize the books and challenge the legislature to exercise greater caution in tax and spending decisions.

As a CPA, I have dedicated my career to helping clients preserve their bottom lines, reduce taxes, and securing their futures. I developed and taught a financial literacy class to junior high students and testified before the legislature against raising taxes and over-regulating our businesses. My experience includes advising taxpayers and businesses in our community on wise investments and job creation. In an era of job uncertainty, rising prices, and constant demands for education funding, Olympia's typical solution is to raise taxes and fees. My approach is to account for past expenditures and prioritize sensibly. I will be the accountant Treasurer who leads our state into a new era of fiscal responsibility.

Vote to preserve our fiscal future. Vote for accountability. Vote for Sharon Hanek.


Pat (Patrice) McCarthy


As the first woman to serve as Washington State Auditor, I lead an office responsible for conducting independent audits across all local governments and state agencies, ensuring accountability and transparency in public fund usage. Over my eight-year tenure, responsibilities have expanded, including significant audits of federal COVID-19 pandemic funds. My administration has also greatly reduced the number of "unauditable" governments, increasing our audits' scope and effectiveness.

Under my leadership, we exposed nearly $7 million in misappropriated funds at a local housing agency, the largest fraud case in our state's history. We have strengthened our capabilities by training more fraud examiners and launching innovative programs. These include a pioneering audit of law enforcement's use of deadly force, bolstering cybersecurity with increased IT audits and preventive "cyber-checkups," and a new data analytics program to detect fraud and waste more effectively.

I will continue these efforts in my next term, focusing on managing public resources wisely. My vision includes advancing our technological capabilities to protect public assets and promote integrity across Washington State. Many have endorsed me; details are on my website. I have a proven and tested public record of leadership. I humbly ask for your vote to continue our progress.

Matt Hawkins


Working in the private sector for 35 years, within a variety of industries, Hawkins has the skills to work with teams of professionals to improve process and systems. Solutions to our challenges with education, the homeless, mental health, parental rights, property rights, taxes and energy policy can all be found through transparency in audits.

Observing the divide within our country over the past 4 years, Hawkins began asking questions to learn what is happening. An active study of the election system within Washington during this time has revealed the fact that there have been no Audits of the election systems in Washington State, to the same professional standards as are expected in the private sector. Hawkins further learned of the newly created roadblocks to public transparency, as the public is looking for answers. Taxpayers benefit from transparency and accountability. A search for Truth matters.

Hawkins is married to Paula and together they have a family of 10 children. They realize that strong communities benefit from family centered policies. Transparency and Accountability are key building blocks to ensure that children become valued contributors to society.

Audits are a great way to understand our past, as we make decisions for our future.

Att'y General

Pete Serrano


Moving to Washington nine years ago was one of the best decisions of my life. I came to protect the environment through working at the Hanford Site as an environmental attorney. Since then, I've successfully fought to make Washington safer and to increase government transparency.

I have challenged unconstitutional laws from Olympia and won! I have also stopped bad regulation in its tracks! I've led the City of Pasco as a councilmember, and now its mayor. Washington has world class resources, but our politicians are failing. We lack safe streets; drugs, like fentanyl, fill the streets. As Attorney General, I will apply what I learned at Hanford to clean this mess.

According to the FBI, Washington is the 8th most dangerous state in the country. We have the resources to do better, but we need an Attorney General who will make sure Law Enforcement and County Prosecutors can enforce the law to make Washington Safe Again!

As your next Attorney General, my focus will be on Washington State, not Washington D.C. As Attorney General I will remove the partisan blinders to protect all Washingtonians. I look forward to representing you as your next Attorney General. Thank you for your vote!

Nick Brown


Nick Brown was raised in Pierce County where his parents, a nurse and an Army veteran, taught him the importance of service and giving back to the community. Nick went to Morehouse College on an ROTC scholarship and after Harvard Law School, served as an Army JAG officer and federal prosecutor.

As General Counsel to Governor Inslee, Nick oversaw work to end the death penalty and coordinated the administration's response to Donald Trump's hateful Muslim ban. In 2021 President Biden appointed Nick as the first Black U.S. Attorney in state history. There, Nick prioritized addressing the fentanyl crisis, protecting consumers, cracking down on sex trafficking, and combatting violent crime.

As Attorney General, Nick will work to keep all Washingtonians safe – from crime, gun violence, discrimination, and the growing housing crisis. Nick believes Donald Trump poses an unprecedented threat to our country and will fight to protect our state from attacks on civil liberties. Nick believes the decision to have an abortion should be between a woman, her family, and doctor. He will fight any attempt to take away reproductive rights.

Nick is proudly endorsed by Governor Inslee, the Washington Education Association, Washington Conservation Action, and Washington State Labor Council.

Comm. of Public Lands

Jaime Herrera Beutler


Decades of neglect have turned our forests into overcrowded, diseased tinderboxes. Fires scorch our forests and choke our communities every summer. They fill our lungs with smoke, destroy old growth and critical habitat, emit tons of carbon, drive up the cost of home insurance and make housing even more unaffordable. And they cause unimaginable heartache for those unfortunate enough to live in their path.

I won't leave our kids a legacy of burning forests and choking smoke. We can and will do better to remove dead and dying trees that serve as fuel, quickly fight fires when they occur, preserve jobs, and protect the lives and livelihoods of communities.

I'll lead our state Department of Natural Resources to withstand political pressures and overcome bureaucratic obstacles so that the brilliant foresters and environmental scientists who work there can do their jobs. Working with Tribes, scientists, landowners, sportsmen, the forest industry and conservation groups, I'll restore health to Washington's forests with science-based management practices so our diverse array of species and ecosystems can thrive. And I'll always preserve recreational access to public land for its owners -- the people of Washington.

Please vote Jaime Herrera Beutler for healthy forests and healthy air.

Dave Upthegrove


A conservation leader strongly backed by the environmental community and Democrats across Washington, I am committed to protecting our clean air, clean water and habitat, improving wildfire prevention, and increasing recreational opportunities on state lands.

With the threat of climate change, wildfires, and droughts, running the Department of Natural Resources is a big, complicated job. I have both the experience and values to ensure our public lands support our high quality of life. As Lands Commissioner I'll bring bold new ideas to the table. I have a plan to protect Washington's 77,000 acres of critical legacy forests, and to launch a clean energy trust to help our climate and spur rural economic development. I'll honor tribal rights and restore Puget Sound to protect our iconic salmon and orca.

I'm the only candidate in this race not taking contributions from the timber industry. A former Washington Conservation Voters "Legislator of the Year," I'm the only candidate supported by Washington Conservation Action and the Sierra Club.

I invite you to join grassroots conservation leaders, former Lands Commissioner Peter Goldmark, Democrats and elected leaders across Washington in supporting this campaign to protect and enhance our public lands. I ask for your support.

Supt. of Public Instruction

Chris Reykdal


Thank you Washington Voters! I am grateful to serve as your State Superintendent. This job requires experience and tested leadership to maintain our post-pandemic recovery. Our strong learning acceleration is at risk without sustained funding and a relentless focus on keeping our schools public and accountable to local voters. The paramount duty in our state is to fully fund our public schools. Investing in our public schools and our educators to empower student achievement is my number one priority!

Innovation drives our work with expanded career and technical education pathways, a record high graduation rate, a measurable improvement in student mental health following targeted investments, and free school meals for over 700,000 students. We are a top performing state in math and reading, and civics is once again a graduation requirement under my leadership!

Over two-thirds of our students now earn college credit while in high school, saving families over $100 million per year in foregone tuition, and we've doubled our investments in rural school facilities. Every child deserves a high-quality, individualized, and equitable learning opportunity in every community!

Endorsed: Washington State Labor Council, Public School Employees, Washington Education Association, American Federation of Teachers-WA, Washington Conservation Action, and more.

David Olson


Less than 50% of Washington students can read and write at grade level yet your property taxes have skyrocketed. Your children and schools deserve better. OSPI is not fulfilling their duty to advocate for adequate school operational funding. As Superintendent, I will push to change the approach, ensuring resources reach the schools and students who need them most – regardless of race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status.

Under the incumbent, chronic absenteeism has doubled, depriving children of crucial learning opportunities. Drawing from my district's success, where strong parental engagement has led to one of the state's lowest absentee rates, I will advocate for policies that encourage partnering with parents.

I am committed to restoring local control to school boards, empowering those who understand their communities' unique needs, ensuring a fair and effective education for all. I will push to expand skilled trades programs, preparing our students for future diverse careers.

To combat the distractions of the digital age, I will promote policies restricting cell phones and social media in schools, creating safer, more focused learning environments. The Seattle Times stated the Superintendent is a "cheerleader for mediocrity." Average Is Not Good Enough! It is time for change. I'll appreciate your vote.

Insurance Commissioner

Patty Kuderer


Ever since my daughter was born critically ill in the NICU and I had to fight my insurance company to allow her doctors to provide life saving care, I have made it my life's mission to ensure no family ever has to go through that same trauma. With my experience as a litigator representing workers in employment discrimination cases and my strong background in advocacy and public service, I bring a unique set of qualifications to the role of Insurance Commissioner.

As a legislator, I've been a leading voice on healthcare issues, sponsoring legislation to create a public option for healthcare in Washington, and advocating for greater access to mental health services and protections against surprise medical billing.

As Insurance Commissioner, I'll work tirelessly to enact policies that prioritize consumer protection and lowering costs, promote transparency within the insurance industry, and expand access to essential healthcare services for all Washingtonians. I'll also lead on addressing the increased insurance costs being created by climate change and protecting coverage of reproductive healthcare.

I have spent my life helping the powerless stand up to those with the most power, and I respectfully ask for your vote so I can fight for you too.

Phil Fortunato


I'm running to make Washington's insurance market more affordable for families and seniors. Misguided activist policies of the Legislature and the Insurance Commissioner have limited choice and made insurance unaffordable.

How much businesses pay for insurance has a direct impact on the prices you pay for things, including groceries and even your rent. Add to that a 20% increase in insurance costs, and it's even harder for seniors on fixed incomes and families to make ends meet. The insurance industry needs reasonable, not burdensome regulations. As a state Senator, I fought for affordable and consumer-driven options that encourage more competition, more choices, and lower costs for consumers. I know what works and it's not agenda driven regulations that drive up costs without providing better and more affordable care.

I've experienced firsthand the health insurance challenges faced by my own grandson who has a rare disease. For him it is a life and death struggle. You and your doctor should be determining your health care decisions, not the insurance companies.

A Vote for Phil Fortunato will lower costs, provide predictability and availability in Washington's insurance markets, so you can get the insurance protection your family deserves.

State Senator

District 9

Mark Schoesler


Whether it was as Senate Republican Leader from 2013 to 2020 (including three years as Senate Majority Leader) or as the lead Senate Republican on the state capital budget, Sen. Schoesler has used his leadership and experience to effectively serve the 9th Legislative District and the state. Sen. Schoesler's focus remains on agriculture and the state budget, which reflects his background as a fifth-generation farmer in Ritzville. Mark has worked closely with counties, schools, hospitals, universities (including WSU and EWU, both in the 9th District) and public safety officials to protect the services we depend on.

Sen. Schoesler has proven himself to be a compassionate, thoughtful and effective leader in Olympia who always has taxpayers in mind. Voters in the 9th District would be wise to return Mark to the Senate so he can continue effectively serving us.


District 9, Pos. 1

Mary Dye


100% Committed to Work for You: I have always lived country values as a farmer, neighbor, parent, and taxpayer like you. I seek to build upon our strengths, reduce the burdens imposed on our communities, and build better opportunities for people living here. I have championed access to affordable internet, dependable irrigation water, and reliable and affordable energy. My commitment to the land and our communities is as deep as the soil I love. I will continue to fight to overcome the challenges created for us in Olympia and to protect our valued traditions and constitutional freedoms.

Patrick Miller


I am driven by a commitment to improving access to the American Dream for all residents of our district. I will put the needs of people, families, and our communities ahead of corporate interests. I will prioritize robust support for our agricultural communities and small businesses. I will work to improve access to healthcare, childcare, and education (including trades). I believe in sustainable management of our natural resources and promoting respect for all individuals. I am dedicated to listening to constituents' diverse voices and advocating for their needs. Together, we can build a stronger, more prosperous future for Southeastern Washington.


District 9, Pos. 2

Joe Schmick


Joe Schmick is a former second-generation farmer and small business owner. He understands the importance of hard work, dedication, and perseverance and takes these 9th District values to Olympia. Joe understands the impacts of burdensome regulations on employers and how important agriculture is to our communities. Joe continues to advocate for accessible and affordable healthcare, quality education, and safe communities. He believes that government spending has outpaced taxpayer's income and would like to see the state live within its means and give back to taxpayers during times of excess. Joe has an open-door policy for everyone.

Pam Kohlmeier


As a physician, I helped to save lives and decrease suffering. I still love helping families and am blessed to have a family too. My husband, Dr. Stephen Thew, and I raised our 4 children in Spokane County over the past 18 years, yet our roots are rural (my grandparents were farmers and we both graduated from rural high schools). I am running to help improve our healthcare system, especially rural and mental health access. Recently, one of our own children died by suicide. Our family is suffering, but I will do all I can to improve access to care.