Your Hometown News Source
Ten Years Ago
December 17, 2014
Blue Mountain Artisan Guild recently hosted a "Girls Night Out" at the art center in Pomeroy. A dozen participants painted two watercolor pictures with Christmas themes, and enjoyed refreshments. The snowman paintings are now on display in the BMAG window.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
December 22, 1999
"What Christmas Means to Me"-Pomeroy Elementary School Third Graders-Tye Knebel: "What Christmas means to me. Christmas is about Jesus's birthday. Mary and Joseph had Jesus on the 25th of December. That's why that day is Christmas. We sing songs in church about Christmas. Christmas is fun."
Fifty Years Ago
December 19, 1974
The new Garfield County sanitary landfill which has been in the planning stages for the last four years is now a reality and will officially open for business January 2. The Pomeroy dump which has been used by the city for many years will then be closed. All wastes from the city and county will be required to be disposed of in the new sanitary landfill as required by recent Department of Ecology regulations.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
December 22, 1949
Judge and Mrs. E.V. Kuykendall announce to their friends that they are not mailing formal holiday greetings at this time as has been their custom in the past. They expect to spend the late winter in the Hawaiian Islands and from there will send cards and greetings which they hope will be of greater interest than the customary holiday cards. The Kuykendalls will fly to the Hawaiian Islands from Seattle in mid-January, returning home on a ship.
One Hundred Years Ago
December 20, 1924
Many a $50 ringside ticket at Rickard's far-famed gardens on the corner of Madison Square and the Subway, has failed to secure as much real sport as did the fifty-cent pasteboards for the Woodmen Smoker, held in the K. of C. hall Tuesday evening. The boxing card included four man-sized mills, and a couple of juvenile affairs which proved just as attractive to the crowd which packed the hall. The main event, a scheduled six-round go between Manuel Garren and Orval Hickam, came to a premature end in the second round when Hickam failed to get his chin out of the path of a right jab which might have accounted for an ox. The knockout was so complete that the referee found it unnecessary to give the count.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
December 16, 1899
The 22nd of last April your correspondent sent to L.B. Chipman, a poultry dealer of St. Johns, Oregon, one dollar, asking him if he could send me guinea eggs for it. Under date of April 26th, he acknowledged receipt of the money saying, "I think I can get them tomorrow." As we have never received any eggs, or money returned, nor even got an answer from either of three letters we have since written Mr. Chipman for an explanation, we have very naturally concluded he is a rascal.